Boy Scout Merit Badge Day

The Wilson Soil & Water conservation Districted hosted the Annual Boy Scout Merit Badge Day on Thursday, December 28, 2017 at the Wilson County Agricultural Center.  Approximately 75 Boy Scouts from North Carolina and Virginia participated in programs throughout the day to meet the badge requirements in Forestry, Soil & Water, Journalism, Sports and Veterinary Medicine.

Inclement Weather Reminder


Should inclement weather occur, please be reminded of the county's procedures and policy:

·         County Manager will make a decision for any schedule change by 7:00 a.m.

·         Assistant County Manager will push this information through the following channels of communication:

o   Inclement weather line – 252.265.5582

o   Voicemails will be sent to all county employees

o   Wilson County Facebook page @

o   Wilson County website @


·         If the decision is made for a normal operating schedule, this will be made on the inclement weather line, voicemails, facebook and the county website.

As with any inclement weather, we encourage you to make the best decision for your safety when deciding whether to drive from your home.  Our departments are flexible in working with staff schedules and we value your safety.

The Adverse Weather Conditions policy in its entirety can be reviewed in the Wilson County Personnel Resolution starting on page 73.

Christmas & New Year's Holiday Schedule


Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you and your family!  Wilson County Government Offices will be closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 25, 26, & 27, 2017 in observance of the Christmas Holiday and Monday, January 1, 2018 in observance of New Year's Day.  Public Safety & Emergency Services are always on normal schedule.  Thank you for all that you do for the citizens of Wilson County and we look forward to a happy and healthy 2018!!