Lock Your Meds

Lock Your Meds Picture.jpg

December 18, 2017


10:00 – 11:00

Wilson County DSS Multipurpose Room

100 NE Gold St.

Wilson, NC 27894

Anna Godwin, NC Parent Resource Center

Erin Day, Wilson County Substance Prevention Coalition

 Learning Objectives:

  • Defining the problem of prescription drug abuse

  • How to take action

  • Signs of abuse

  • Safe disposal

 Target Audience: Foster care/child welfare, aging/vulnerable population, substance use workers, anyone interested in learning more about the Opioid epidemic and how to help protect your clients and loved ones

 FREE: Medication lockboxes will be made available to staff who can utilize them with their clients and/or their own families.

Register with Candice Rountree, carountree@wilson-co.com  through 12-15-17

Door prizes will be provided.



Commissioners approve 2% COLA

Professional Family,

I want to update you on where we are with the cost of living increase for full-time county government employees.  First, let me express my appreciation for your patience, commitment and hard work during the first part of our 2017-2018 budget year.  I realize that the delay in the cost of living increase has been a challenge.  We appreciate your feedback and please know that we welcome the communication. 

I am pleased to report that the finance staff has been actively working to finalize our audit.  The Board of Commissioners voted to implement the county employee 2% cost of living adjustment at their meeting this evening, December 4, 2017.  This adjustment will be retroactive to July 1 for employees that were actively employed full-time on June 30, 2017.   

The cost of living adjustment and your retroactive pay will be in your paycheck this month, December 2017.  Human Resources and payroll staff have been working to make the adjustment by the December payroll.  Check your pay advice at the end of month to see the adjustment. 

I appreciate our commissioners supporting our employees and I want to thank you for your commitment to our citizens and to Wilson County Government.   

Kind Regards,

Denise Stinagle, County Manager

iGov may be the place for you

iGov 2018 is coming!  Are you interested in learning with other county employees?  Do you ever wonder what other departments do?  Does government fascinate you?  This may be your chance to broaden your knowledge of all things abo…

iGov 2018 is coming!  Are you interested in learning with other county employees?  Do you ever wonder what other departments do?  Does government fascinate you?  This may be your chance to broaden your knowledge of all things about county government.  Your time commitment would be about 1.5 hours per month.  There will be defined dates and learning experiences to match each month.  To be eligible employees must have worked in his/her current position at least two years, must commit to the learning experience for the year and should be eager to learn more about county government.  We are going to do our best to throw some fun in along the way.

What we need from you is super easy.  Complete the Recommend Card (follow the link) by December 1st.   The group size is limited.  Submit your completed card to dstinagle@wilson-co.com or rhunt@wilson-co.com.

We look forward to another year of great learning experiences!

Tips for Sticking to Your Diet During the Holidays

With so many social gatherings during this time, it can be difficult to avoid treating yourself when you’re offered good food and drinks. Whether you’re dieting or just trying to maintain your healthy lifestyle, fear not—you can survive the holidays and wake up on Jan. 1 without feeling remorse or guilt. Consider the following tips:

  • Eat before attending a party so you don’t arrive on an empty stomach and devour everything in sight.

  • Pace yourself when drinking. Alcohol can be dangerous at holiday parties, as overindulgence cannot only cause embarrassment, but also pack on the pounds.

  • Eat slowly. Be mindful of every chew. It takes your body 20 minutes to realize when it is full.

  • Don’t feel pressure to eat leftovers. If you have an abundance of leftovers after hosting a party, don’t feel like you have to eat them just because you don’t want them to go to waste.

  • Practice self-control. For example, allow yourself one plate of food at a party, and promise yourself that you won’t go back for seconds.