1 - Commissioner Chris Hill
Heather Price
2 - Jerry Mason
3 - Commissioner Leslie Atkinson
Neil Penman
Allison Williams
4 - Kathy Batts
Shannon Batts
Tyler Johnson
Tracey Meeks
Stephanie Motley
5 - Alexander Golden
Octavia Outlaw
Alsey Stott
Timothy Twiddy
6 - James Thompson
Chelsey Thornsburry
7 - Donald Hicks, Jr.
Gay Hill
8 - Raquel Bennett
Ryley Cushing
Sheriff Calvin Woodard
9 - Terry McClintock
Jason Newsome
10 - Robert Moss
Sarah Webb
11 - Jennifer Dixon
Clarence Mitchell
Gloria Speller
Katherine Viverette
Jessica Williams
12 - Felicia Thigpen
13 - John Bissette
14 - Coy Hinnant
Sonceray Pate
Anastasia Wilson
15 - Kimberly Boykin
Amanda Sudekum
16 - Brandon Dollar
Pheonix Everett
Rodney Harper
Carol Price
18 - Marc Connor
19 - James Anderson
Rebecca Pinkham
20 - Victoria Allen
Charlotte Bullock
Tanisha Kirk
Happy Birthday to our Wilson County Employees!
Happy Birthday to our Wilson County Employees! **
21 - Haley Bain
Marjorie Jenkins
Janasia Joyner
Erick Starling
22 - Lisa Best
23 - Felicia Jordan
Roycelia Pender
Christopher Proctor
Dwuaneisha Whitfield
24 - Gabrielle Mercer
Terrell Porter
Felix Rodriguez
Bruce White
Kilee Wolgamott
26 - Ted Boswell
James McLaughlin
27 - Jasmine Ellison
Andrea O’Brian
28 - Hanna Jackson
29 - Charity Davenport
30 - Jessica Batts
Kayla Batts
Buffie Woodard
31 - Kendra Batts
Michelle Parrish