Red Headed Flea Beetle Research

Pictured below Selena McKoy, Wilson County Cooperative Extension intern, helping Danny Lauderdale, Cooperative Extension Area Specialized agent (based in Wilson County), pot up a red headed flea beetle research project at Gardens Alive this summer. Red headed flea beetles are increasing problem for nursery growers.  Research that Danny conducted has resulted in finding products that will help break the life cycle of this insect at the larva stage. 

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Med Instead of Meds

“Med Instead of Meds” is a cooking and nutrition program designed to teach participants how to make healthy choices by eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The program was developed by the North Carolina Division of Public Health and is offered by North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences Agents. The Mediterranean Diet is backed by numerous studies showing its benefits which include lower risks of cardiovascular disease, decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, protective effects against cognitive decline and macular eye degeneration, as well as better weight management. The Wilson County Cooperative Extension’s Family and Consumer Sciences Program hosted the 6-week series every other Monday night at the Wilson Ag Center. Participants learned about the Mediterranean eating pattern, gained new cooking skills, and were able to taste 4-6 new recipes each week. Wilson County Cooperative Extension plans to offer the program again in 2019.