Commissioners Honor Retirees

Wilson County Government recognized recent retirees at the July Commissioner’s Meeting. County Commissioner Chairman Rob Boyette expressed appreciation to the retirees for their dedication, service and commitment to the citizens of Wilson County. Commissioners shook hands and individually congratulated each retiree present. Recent retirees include:

Shirley Atkinson, John Bissette, Sylvina Ferrell-Harris, Richard Fulghum, Debra Harris, Greg Hogue
James Howard, Reginald Mitchell, Jeannine Montague, Becky Moore, Theresa Newsome, Sue Nichols, Brenda Scott, Willie Sherrod, Tonette Woodard

County Departments sign off on Look Before You Lock

In June several Wilson County Government departments and community partners signed off on the "Look before you Lock" campaign. These community partners are joining together to help educate parents, grandparents, caregivers and the general public to always check the back seat before locking the car and walking away to help keep children safe from hot cars.

The statistics are sobering and research shows that it can happen to any family or individual, often in a simple moment of distraction. But that moment can be deadly for young children.

If you would like a window cling for your personal use or to help share the message in our community feel free to contact DSS at 252-206-4000.  Thanks to the Wilson County Community Child Protection and Child Fatality Prevention Teams and to all our community partners who signed on to help spread the word. And thanks again to our local Walmart for their grant funds that help produce the window clings.

Lori Walston

Independence Day Holiday

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Wilson County Government offices are closed Wednesday, July 4, 2018 for the Independence Day Holiday. Enjoy time with your family and friends.  We will see you when we open on Thursday, July 5, 2018 @ 8:00 a.m. Public Safety & Emergency Services are always on normal schedule.

Snack Smart, Save Money, Time and Calories

It’s completely normal to snack throughout the workday. While it can be tempting to opt for the fast, easy (but unhealthy) option, taking a minute to snack smart can save you time, money and calories. Keep the following three tips in mind to help you snack smart at the office.

  1. Take a break. When you reach for your snack at work, don’t eat it while working. Instead, take a quick break to eat your snack uninterrupted to avoid overeating.

  2. Meal prep your snacks. One of the best ways to avoid impulsively purchasing unhealthy snacks from the vending machine is to pre-portion your healthy snacks at the beginning of the week and bring them with you to work.

  3. Think about macronutrients. Try to combine macronutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrates) at each snacking session. Doing so will help you feel satisfied and full until it’s time for your next meal.

All-Star Game Coming to Five County Stadium!

My name is Cassie Tomasello and I am the Community Relations Coordinator for the Carolina Mudcats. Let me start by thanking you for your gracious support of our community; you’re the reason we have a team and we sincerely appreciate all you do.

Next Tuesday, June 19th, we will host the Carolina League All-Star Game at Five County Stadium. As part of this community showcase event, we need your help in securing our last allotment of tickets!

We need our great baseball family of city and county employees, like you, to step up to the plate. We would like to offer your hard working personnel a special $9 per ticket rate for General Admission. We are challenging everyone that has been a part of our success to help and your community is key.

Can we count on your support?

Please click here for the Partner Special All Star Offer for an easy way to purchase tickets and  show off our great community. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our front office.

Regardless, thank you for all you do for the Mudcats organization!!