County Finance Office Recognized

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The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting has been awarded to Wilson County Government by the Government Finance Officers Association.  Commissioners officially recognized Financial Services staff at the October 2, 2017 commissioners’ meeting.

According to the GFOA, “The certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.”

“Our Financial Services staff work hard each day to ensure quality services,” said Bobbie Jones, chair.  “This shows the results of their commitment to accountability to the citizens of Wilson County.”  Financial services staff were in attendance and were recognized by commissioners.

“Wilson County Government’s Financial Services staff understand the value of financial excellence and accountability.  Our team strives for the best practices and they are always working to take that to the next level,” said Denise Stinagle, County Manager.

Tiffany Reese, Finance Director, expressed appreciation for her team’s hard work.  “My staff are dedicated.  I am appreciative of their commitment to the citizens of Wilson County.  I am also appreciative of our county government departments.  They work with us so that we can achieve quality financial services.”

The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association serving approximately 17,500 government finance professionals.

Welcome to the 2017 United Way Campaign Bake Sale

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Last year you all put together such a great bake sale that we have decided to bring it back for another fund raising event on:

 Wednesday, October 11th

10:00 until 1:00 at the: Wilson County Library

We need YOU to make this a great bake sale!  If you baked for us last year we need you donate this year and we look forward to sampling all of our new bakers goodies!


Wednesday, October 11th |  10:00 until 1:00 at the Wilson County Library

Bring your bake sale items bagged for individual sale and drop-off at Miller Road Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning by 9:00 or we will make a pick-up at each building if necessary. Email Lesley Barnes ( or Carol ( to let us know you have a donation.

United Way Dollar Day is FRIDAY!!!!!

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Are you ready to bring your dollar to work?   It all adds up as we are contributing to all the good the United Way does for Wilson County.  Friday, Sept. 29 all departments will have a designated box/basket or bucket decorated and ready to accept donations.  Ask your department representative about your box.  You can donate throughout the day.  If you are able, we would love for every employee to contribute $1.  Of course we will accept more or less.  Simply place it in the Dollar Day container. Your department representative will collect the funds and the county will turn this in to United Way.  We invite you to email us pictures of your department and staff participating in Dollar Days.  

83rd Civil Command comes to Wilson County Government

83rd Civil Command comes to Wilson County Government

Recently Gordon Deno, Emergency Management Director, coordinated with the 83rd Civil Command from Fort Bragg for a Continuity of Operations assessment for Wilson County Government.  The group worked to assess county government and provide feedback on a path forward with a Continuity of Operations Plan.  Gordon and Rodney Dancy, Emergency Management, will be coordinating these efforts in the near future.  A big thanks to Health, DSS, Finance and many others for a successful assessment.  Another way Wilson County Government works to improve the lives of our citizens.