Active Shooter Drill

Wilson County's Government Center on Miller Road and Agricultural Center on Goldsboro Street participated in Active Shooter Drills Wednesday, August 9.  The drills were coordinated by the Wilson County Sheriff’s Department working with Human Resources Director Tim Bilderback.   

 “Today’s Active Shooter Drills at two of our county government sites provides a valuable training experience for our staff and it is a harsh reminder that we must be vigilant each day,” said Ron Hunt, assistant county manager.  “The Sheriff’s Department and our Human Resources Director Tim Bilderback have worked hard over the past few months to begin training county government staff on awareness, preparedness and response.”

“Staff safety and citizen safety are extremely important to us throughout our work day in county government,” said Denise Stinagle, county manager.  “Today’s drills are a reminder of the risks we face and the importance of having a plan and remaining aware at all times.  We appreciate our Sheriff’s Department’s coordination and our staff for wanting to learn our vulnerabilities and improve.”

Thank you to the Wilson County Sheriff's Department for their coordination and leadership and our awesome professional staff for today's learning experience.

August Library Programs

Wilson County Public library has released a list of upcoming programs offered to the public this August at the Main Library.

For children, early literacy programs will continue at the Main Library every Wednesday and Thursday morning.  Children ages birth through 2 are invited to join the 9:30 a.m. program. 

Preschool age children are invited to join the 10:00 a.m. program.   There will be no programs for teens at the Main Library this month.

An Introduction to Computers course will be offered in the conference room on Wednesdays in August, beginning on August 9, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. This cumulative course will require prior enrollment and attendance to all four classes. Contact Mark at 252-237-5355 ext. 5074 to enroll.

On Thursday, August 10 and again on August 31 from 1-2:30 p.m., the jobs program, Interviewing Skills: Before, during, and after the Interview, will be offered in the conference room. 

Families are invited to the Summer Family Film Festival in the assembly room. Sing will be shown on Saturday, August 26 at 2:00 p.m. and Lego Batman will be shown on Monday, August 28 at 2:00 p.m.

On Wednesday, August 30 at 6 p.m. and again on Thursday, August 31 at 2 p.m., adults and teens (13+) are invited to the Faux Metallic Finishes crafting class. Registration is required. To register, please call 252-237-5355.

 Programs held at branches:

  • Black Creek:  No programs this month.
  • East Branch: No programs this month.
  • Elm City: No programs this month.
  • Lucama: No programs this month.
  • Stantonsburg: Book Chat- Thursday, August 3 at 3:00 p.m.

Bookmobile in August: Each Wednesday in August at the Farmer’s Market 9:00 – 1:00 (August 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30)

  • Tuesday, 8/1 – Saratoga 3:30 – 5:00
  • Wednesday, 8/2 – Rock Ridge 3:00 – 4:00 and Sims 4:15 – 5:00
  • Tuesday, 8/22 – Saratoga 3:30 – 5:00
  • Wednesday, 8/23 – Rock Ridge 3:00 – 4:00 and Sims 4:15 – 5:00

Welcome to the new WCiGov!

This is your place for Wilson County Government Employee news, information and connections to Human Resources, Finance and other resources.  Our goal is to CONNECT staff to resources, COMMUNICATE internal news & happenings of Wilson County Government and CREATE a simple, clean and unified employee site. 

You now have direct access to financial forms, human resources forms, links to websites, time sheets and safety information.  We invite you to explore the site.  Wilson County Gov’s Technology Services staff have been working hard to produce a site that can be accessed from all devices and connect employees to new, benefits and information. 

 Instead of waiting for the next Employee Newsletter, it will be here every day.  Scroll down to see the latest post or information. Check out the links to birthdays, employee spotlights, HR information and more.  Melissa Parrish, Executive Assistant, will continue to coordinate information and content on the new employee site.  “This is a change for all of us, but this is a great step in keeping employee news current and sharing pictures of the great things going on in Wilson County Government”, she said.  Remember  It's all you need!

iGov Learning Continues

Wilson County's iGov Learning team continues their path to learning and experiencing all department's in county government.  In July the iGov team learned about the fascinating world of GIS & Technology.  Do you see someone you know?  iGov is a wonderful way to learn and grow in county government.  The Class of 2017 will complete their journey later this Fall.



Ana Perez

The Tax Office is happy to introduce Ana Perez.  Ana started with us on March 1, 2017 as one of our Collections Clerk.   As you can see from her picture, she has a very engaging smile that serves her well when assisting taxpayers.  In the short time Ana has been in the office, she has managed to learn how to handle many of the day to day task.  Ana has demonstrated a desire to learn any and all things related to the Tax Office.  When asked to describe her in one word by supervisor Brenda Scott, she said it would have to be “enthusiastic”.   We are very pleased to have Ana Perez as part of our team.  Next time you are by our way stop in and say hello to our youngest and newest member. 


Tammy Williford

Tammy has worked full-time for Wilson County Emergency Medical Services since November 1, 1989. She was promoted to Paramedic Supervisor in 2004, supervising a shift and managing the EMS System’s response to countless events since then. There have been many changes in EMS in her 28 years, but her mission and outlook remain the same: Tammy says “we have the power to make positive change in somebody’s life every day.” That power is the reason she never dreads coming to work. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016, she continued to come to work with a positive attitude. After a series of treatments, Tammy is proud to report she’s in remission.   Safe Kids Wilson County is an injury prevention program for children ages 0-19. Tammy has been the Coordinator of this program since 2005. The members will attest to Tammy’s passion for this program and the kids they serve. She’s especially fervent about kids in vehicles, helping ensure they are properly secured in appropriate child passenger safety devices and reminding everyone to never leave children alone in a vehicle, not even for a minute.  


Angela Manning

Angela Manning, Environmental Health Supervisor II, recently joined us at the Health Department.  Angela finished at East Carolina University in 2003 with a BS in Biology and brings 13 ½ years of experience from Pitt County.   Her hobbies are spending time with her family and at church.  She says my favorite part of my job is “working with my team”.   Angela is very excited about rebuilding the program and her new staff.